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Athlete Built Savage

Get the complete Athlete Built Savage training program (normally $311 when purchased separately)


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Grab the complete 80 page Nutrition Manual for the Power Athlete, the ultimate guide to designing your custom meal plan.

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* 60 DAYS OF RESULTS OR IT'S FREE: Feel safe and secure as you place your order, knowing that you can get a full refund after trying out the program for a whole two months if you see no results.

What you're getting today:


"I wasn't able to train at all during my football season, this deteriorated my athleticism and body. After grabbing Athlete Built and giving it a test run, I was able to drop 10% body fat while increasing my lean body mass.

"I'm down 22 pounds (from 199 to 177) at 8% body fat. I achieved a running vertical increase of 6 inches (from 35 to 41), and I even dunked a basketball off the dribble for the first time in my life, at the age of 29 years old."

"I was the heaviest I have ever been, around 223 pounds. I knew this was not where I wanted to be. I started Athlete Built the first week in January, and could not believe the progress I made in just 3 months. Not only did I get down to 198 pounds, but I was still just as strong in most of my lifts and even stronger in others."

I gain 15 pounds of muscle while getting stronger, faster, quicker, and more functional. I am much more fit and feel better mentally and physically. This program helped me turn my life around and prepared me for my tryouts along the way.